Request quote Contact for premium business services Get started Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.123Name *Email *Subject *PhoneRequest services *Web DesignLogo DesignGraphic DesignNextWeb Design Questions1. What is the name of your company? (short and full version)2. Describe your business. Describe your product(s). Describe the service(s) you provide.3. Provide more detail regarding your target audience.4. Is there a slogan for your company?5. Do you have a logo? If yes, please provide your logo in high resolution ie. EPS6. What is the address for your website? What do you like/dislike about your website?7. Is there an existing colour scheme? Are there colours that you would like to use? If possible specify ie. RGB, CMYK, Pantone.8. What type of website are you looking for:9. What Websites have you seen that you like? Describe what you like about those websites.10. Do you have word and media content for your website?11. Do you have a structure for your website in mind?12. What is your budget for this project?Logo Design Questions1. What is the name of your company? (short and full version)2. Describe your business. Describe your product(s). Describe the service(s) you provide.3. Do you want your logo to include text only, text and graphic or graphic only?4. Is there a slogan for your company; do you wish it included in the logo?5. Please provide more detail regarding your target audience. (ie: demographics, social, salary range, business sector, etc.)6. Do you have a logo? If yes please describe what you don’t like about it.7. Do you have a website?8. Color preference(s) / Font preference(s)?9. What style of logo do you require to reach your target audience (high tech, contemporary, corporate, traditional, antique, industrial, cutting edge, funky, etc)10. Do you have any preconceived ideas about the design of your logo?11. Do you have any particular point of emphasis you want to see in the design?12. Are there any elements that you would like to included in your logo design? (Animal, symbol, object, etc?)13. What logos or Web sites have you seen that you like and tell what you like?Graphic Design Questions1. Describe your company2. Identify your product?3. Identify the technical characteristics?4. Do you have a word and media content for your graphic product?5. Timing, any dead lines?6. Share your current corporate style, (add previous graphic design materials if any)7. Examples of products that you like, if possible explain reasons8. What type of budget do you have planed for this project?9. Any additional information that can be useful?PreviousNextFiles Upload Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. max file size: 5MBWebsiteSubmit